Need Advise? Having problems with a relationship? Trouble at work? Need to know which curtains are best to wipe your genitals on?
Ask Ken Hawk!
Enter your questions in the comment section of this post and then go to Ask Ken Hawk to see if your question is worth answering from the one and only KeN hAwK!
KeN HawK is GOD
Hey Hawk, long time reader, first time to ask a question. I fucked a $10 whore and now my balls itch real bad. What the fuck do I do?
Hey Ken Hawk
big fan of this infamous post
"will smith grab a spoon and some milk and eat my butt for breaksdfast you uppity bitch"
so if bori e mails you and says you can be a member of blabbermouth again, will you make your big return to blabbermouth?
what were your parents like? They, must have been pretty fucked up, I think.
Why are we here? Is there a God? Is there more to life than THIS?
who are your favourite bands?
mr. cockgobbler
"Why are we here?"
I can answer that one!
We are here because the BigNewsDay blog fucking rules!
Ken Hawk is the man! Hope you come back to blabbermouth.
DANNM iS EE THERE ARE MASNY PEOPEL iN NeED OF advcie. hEAD to the ask kena hWk foRum and we'lL Figurer it out.
Hawk has to release an album. It would go platinum.
I agree!
i HTink WEsley WiLlIS already nabbeD alll Of ThE fGood IdEas3. i wROte eat thAT AnteloPe shit likE15 eyars AGo. shoulDve got the copywrtight!!1!
If Wesley Willis was still alive, he would write a song about kEn haWk.
Dear Hawk,
Have you ever seen any bands live? If you have, tell us about it.
Ill bE ANsWErinG mOre QuesTRIOnS TIhS Eveneing. by thew waY To all those inTERESTEED, tALks are underway for official KEN hawk flash inTernet cartooNs. itS onlY in the talks RighT now, but may be a real possisbliLTIy/
Maybe in order to understand mankind we have to
look at that word itself. MANKIND. Basically, it's
made up of two separate words "mank"and "ind."
What do these words mean? It's a mystery and
that's why so is mankind.
Shouldn't you give credit to Jack Handy for that? Good Quote though!
ken hawk is back at blabbermouth
no Im NOT. sTIll locked oUT. taHTs soMEonE eLSe.
SpEREad the worD KEN HAWK Is banneneD FROm ABlLlaLbEERmORUTH
iDOnt care.... jsut DoNT wNaT THE WRoNG inFormaTion to GEt sENT oUT
will do
Hey Ken, how old are you really? You've mentioned your age several times and each time it is different.
Anyway, my main question is this: My friend keeps hitting on underage girls when we go to concerts and it's getting really embarrasing. What should I do?
Is Trivium emo?
Anonymous said...
Is Trivium emo?
i can answer that
I think i'm gay, i'm not sure, i'm feeling attracted for my male friend, am i gay? should i tell it to him??
you need to try Hetracil!
hey ken hawk
what are your top 10 favorite albums?
Dear Hawk,
I saw an advertisement over BigNewsDay's blog. It said that it could help you break old habits such as smoking, over-eating and procrastinating. Do you procrastinate?
hey...what do you think of the following band, man?.........
tEh allknowING En HAWEK WIll ansWEr a quesTION TOnigHT
kEn Hak
That's an advice columm , why are u idiots asking questions about ken hwak itself?
That's an advice columm , why are u idiots asking questions about ken hwak itself?
HWATS going on. have YOu SenT thE resuLTs OF THE poll To BORI?>
nFot ywet! i dweill tryj two sevnfd tethat tokday. ivfe beeeeeeeeeen ooiuyt ov tounne.
tahTs liKE tEWH FIRST mEEsSgAE from yOu i AHVE EBeEN aBLE to REAd,
KEn ahWwkl
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