Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Abusive Trolls Suck

Due to the fact that my blog received 10 inflammatory comments in a matter of minutes from the same "anonymous" poster (spunky1), I have limited the comments to blogger members only. Everyone who frequents my blog knows that I'm strongly against censorship of any kind, but I refuse to let a hate-spewing troll disrespect me in my house. Hopefully this is a temporary status, but it is a necessary action. I apologize to any non-blogger members who want to make legitimate comments. Feel free to e-mail me at any time.

Update: for the sake of fairness, anyone can read this asshole's comments on this bbmouth thread, but there is no reason I can think of that I should allow someone to disrespect me onmu blog.


BigNewsDay said...

Thank you stoovil666. Stop by anytime, and if you're interested in being a contributing member, shoot me an e-mail.

BlackLabelAxe said...

Spooky1 is an idiot. You should just let him tie his own noose and post away. Everybody that reads even one paragraph from his bullshit rants knows how much of a Kool-Aid drinking clone he is.

Of course if you want to debate Republican vs. Democrat talking points and historical mud-slinging then that debate will continue for years, wasting thousands of innocent characters on the computer screen. Precisely nobody will care anyways, because every free person knows that both parties suck ass.

The first rule of PWN1NG a troll is let him keep talking. They will say enough stupid shit in a very short amount of time to fully lasso his ass with a rope made of his own bullshit.

BigNewsDay said...

I generally would Axe, but it was pretty funny letting him waste over an hour posting all of that stuff and then deleting it all in a matter of seconds.

BlackLabelAxe said...

Yeah, I'd say that copying and pasting information on someone else's blog is pretty disrespectful and rude.

If you're going to comment on somebody else's blog, it should be original. If you really feel like pasting a bunch of somebody else's material, then like you said, get your own damn blog.

Just throwing up a bunch of shit you copied on another website is pure spam, and completely avoids the fact that spooky1 is a dumbass incapable of making his own case.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

damn, I missed it!

Now where will I go to get a list of Free Republic talking points?

In the interest of fair play let me just say:


BigNewsDay said...

blsabob, not just great talking points, I was also informed that you and I are more than just friends. I hope my wife doesn't find out!

BigNewsDay said...

All of us commie bastards are homos, you know!

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Retards from Utah sure have a lot of time to copy and paste from propaganda sites.

Well, I guess that's what you do with your time when you're not getting laid and have no friends.

Stupy1 hangs out on AOL (Amateurs Online) in his basement bunker waiting for the commies from the UN to come crashing through his door so he can fight them off like a big hero then begin repopulating the world with his sister, three cousins and two dogs that he believes are his Moron, I mean Mormon wives. I guarantee you that there are at least two non-functioning vehicles on the jackass's property and a copy of The Turner Diaries somewhere in his home.

Retards from Utah = Utards

Maybe we can start our own Utards blog where we collect and display stories of all the moronic, sick, and frightening things that are coming out of that state.

Ever wonder why there is some much shit coming out about the wacky beliefs of Scientologists, but next to nothing about Mormons, when its pretty clear to anyone who's looked into it that Mormonism is every bit as bizarre and childish as Scientology?

Got your magic underpants on in case The Rapture occurs? (Older Mormons actually wear Magic Depends, in case the Rupture occurs). How about we have a Baptism for the Dead? Maybe we can take a spaceship to Kolob to meet God and a few of his wives.

You don't have to be a Moron-Mormon to get influenced by their brand of insanity and stupidity. From my experience, just about everyone in Utah and many parts of Missouri are at least somewhat brain damaged. Its got to be the Mormonism infecting their surroundings like a plague.

Just knowing that this clownfart is from Utah makes his insane ramblings just that much funnier. Are you getting emails from the moron?

Oh, by the way, I'm really a necropheliac commie homo. I want to dig up Karl Marx corpse so I can suck his cock... while pissing on a crucifix and the American Constitution. Actually, I think I'll have to wait to piss on the Constitution until Bush and Cheney are done wiping their asses with it.

BigNewsDay said...


Lefty Metalhead said...

Utard- The best fucking term ever created! Just awesome b.l. sabob!

Darkness Descends said...

spooky1 can shove a big fat dildo up his retarded ass.

BigNewsDay said...

Mr. Bundy, I don't think they make dildos that big. This bitch has already shoved most of the state of Utah up his ass.

Darkness Descends said...

i just owned that assfaced cockmaster a couple of minutes ago. fuck him right in the neck.

Darkness Descends said...

spooky1 more like sucky1

BigNewsDay said...

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure he is from Utah. I do know his grid location:

Lat/Long : 38, -97

Darkness Descends said...

anyway sucky1 deserves to die of aids cause he faschist pig who wants to dig up assolf hitler's corpse and suck it.

Darkness Descends said...


COMMENT | kill me now...i just as dumb as bush
posted by : spooky1
4/6/2006 3:32:11 PM

i am an idiot faschist piece of shit.

posted by : spooky1
4/6/2006 3:18:11 PM
i got owned. i want my mommy!!!!

BigNewsDay said...

Classic! Good job Mr. Bundy.

Darkness Descends said...


Darkness Descends said...

posted by : spooky1
3/8/2006 7:54:27 PM
im an emo bitch and i cry and cut myself to ease the pain cause my life is useless and i hate it and im too much of a pussy to kill myself.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Stupid1 is just a fucking basebent dwelling troll with no friends, a lousy job and a well-callused hand he calls "Barbara"

It looks like its getting awefully lonely out there in Bush-Cult Land;_ylt=AmfV5dajNgyceA2YQc9rsBqs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3b2NibDltBHNlYwM3MTY-