Everyone needs to take the time this weekend to remember all of the brave American men and women that have given the ultimate sacrifice in service of our great nation. Even though I'm not a supporter of the current administration, I support our troops 100%.
I hope everyone has wonderful things planned to honor our fallen brothers and sisters. I went to see the Rangers play the A's tonight, and even though my Rangers lost, Mrs. NewsDay, LittleNewsDay and I had a wonderful time. After the game, we were treated to a magnificent fireworks display.
Back at ya!
Have a great day with your family and don't forget to tell them how much you love them.
That's the perfect nickname. I hope you and your family had a great weekend.
My brother got home from Germany this weekend, so we were finally together as a family.
We had a wonderful weekend. The baseball game was great. We had 9th row seats behind homeplate (by far the best seats I've ever had), and it felt like we were sitting on the field. On Sunday, we took it easy and watched the Indy 500 and the Coke 600. On Monday, we went to a family friend's hoese for BBQ and swimming. Overall, it was a great weekend.
How's the hand healing?
The hand is getting better. Every now and then I can feel a faint pain running down my finger, which I'm hoping is the nerve's re-boot program. I got my stitches out last week, and I'm hoping to be back in the gym in time to train for the Georgia Benchpress Championship on August 27.
sorry the rangers lost. i guess the exacted some revenge when they bet-up my beloved white sox
Well China-Joe, it's alright. I dig the sox, too. But the Mavs are in the championship series.
the only nba game i saw this year was when i was in miami-over 17 hrs drive---no rest stops!. the mavs kicked their ass and should do so in the series
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