Sunday, June 18, 2006

Boo Fucking Hoo

Skilling Says He Contemplated Suicide

June 17,2006 | NEW YORK -- Former Enron Corp. President Jeffrey Skilling says he contemplated suicide after his company crumbled and authorities began to ratchet up legal pressure on him.


Hey Kenny Boy, its never too late to make the correct decision. Instead of wasting the taxpayer's money on an appeal and another trial, do the right thing. Divy up all your cash, stocks and property between the thousands of people that you ripped off, come clean about how Cheney allowed you to write federal energy policy and how you stole billions from California and fucked Gray Davis in the pooper by creating phony energy shortages.

Once you've done all that, Put Judas Preist's "Better By You, Better Than Me" and Ozzy's "Suicide Solution" on endless repeat on you iPod, drive out to the woods and pull a Cliff Baxter. I'm sure the two of you will have much to discuss in Hell.


Bushwack said...

Yep, Enron the benchmark for corruption and employee screwing.

Blaming Enron for all of Grey Davis's misdeeds, is like Blaming Clinton for all of the terrorism on earth.
(He did things to enable it, but is not responsible for it)

Enron stuck it to the American Public, it's shareholders and it's employees. Hopefully the rest of the corperations will learn from this and never try this shit again.

Bushwack said...

BTW, Happy Fathers day to all of my Liberal friends.

James Manning said...

Did he think we'd care?

Daydreamer of Oz said...

Lol he must've James. I am still waiting to see the documentary about this. We've had a couple of similar collapses in AU (HIH). Grrr.......
I know that it's caused a lot of havoc in regards to accounting standards b/c of the U.S. bringing in SOX.
BND, Lefty & AB,
Drop by & see my latest post, I think you'll get a kick out of it :)

BlackLabelAxe said...
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