This is a perfect use of the
civil system when the criminal system just doesn't cut it. If this is played correctly, it could result in a perjury trap far more brutal than the one Clinton was lured into. We can only hope that Cheney is brought to justice before his fake heart finally gives way and Satan calls him home.
I would love to see this make it to a court room so we can finally begin to see what really happened here.
ggood, tiHS guy Deserves it.
still I got biggEr probelmS. i went to teh hosTpital yesterday after tspendiNg most of the afTernoOn tryIng to think uP an exCsue as To hoW i GOT my pecker twisted up in my bIKe spokes. SO yeAH i get tO teh hospiTsl anD tehres a waiT so i sit down for a whilE and people are staring and shit so i DOnt know like two hours later i jsUt said fuck iT ill go baCk tomorrow so i nEed to get up teh motivation to go beCASuse carrying this bike everywhere i go is r eallY hArd.
hope everyone else has A good wekened.
I just saw the movie, "Fun with Dick and Jane" tonight. BLSabob, you would love it.
This is going to be interesting...
I want to print that post out and frame it. Nevermind the good excuses, how could you even come up with a bad excuse for that? Better yet, how the f*%& did that happen?!
It really says something about our state of healthcare when my friend here has to walk around carrying a bicycle because the ER won't treat him.
Hey Axe, I loved the ending credits to Fun with Dick & Jane. Overall, tha was a very entertaining movie.
Yeah, listen I'm very republican but if this is true, and I'm keeping an open mind on this one, then I too would like to see this in the courts. I'm not back stabbing the VP but if all the allegations are true, then that is a presedence that I don't want to see repeated regardless of what your political preference is. You don't pick and choose who may have constitutional rights because you took something personal and I'll be the first to admit...that was some 'fuzzy'Intel. I still support the war, just wished the POTUS would of told us the truth of why we were going in.
I hear you Gunz. I'm sick of this story being tried in the media. If this goes to court, maybe we can get everything out in the open and maybe put this issue to rest.
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