Monday, August 14, 2006

I Told You It Was Bullshit

NBC: Hair-gel terrorists posed no risk last week

An anonymous "senior British official knowledgeable about the [hair-gel bombers]" told NBC that there was no threat to airplanes last week, that the terrorists had been under surveillance for over a year, and that UK government didn't plan on arresting these guys until they'd surveilled them a while longer, but moved when they did because of US pressure:

In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports...

The official shed light on other aspects of the case, saying that while the investigation into the bombing plot began "months ago," some suspects were known to the security services even before the London subway bombings last year.

Update BND: I believe that there are many reasons these a**holes are pulling this crap. For one, Homeland Security Chief Michael Jerkoff wants to Shit on our Constitution. Another reason is that our government (Karl Rove more specifically) wants to keep us controlled by this climate of fear. I refuse to let them do this to me.



Ranando said...

Well, who didn't know this?

Only an idiot would believe anything coming out of this White House.

Great Post BND...

Anonymous said...

well you cant expect our stupid u.k. goverment to do much really. there real good at doing nothing though!

Lefty Metalhead said...

Scare tactics and the Bush administration? Could we honestly expect anything less?

The Automatony said...

i like being scared, it makes me so happy