Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It Sure is Hot Here...

in Chicago! It's the fifth day straight we have 100 degree weather! What the fuck is going on here? I'm 'bout to make me some of them mango'ritas (thanks to BND). They sure hit the spot.

On a side note, the feds may be getting closer to getting Da Mayor here in Chicago, Mr. Richard M. Daley, otherwise known as the Windy City Emperor. Check out the story here.


BigNewsDay said...

Lefty, my electric bill last month was over $300.00. I hatethe heat. I'm going to buy a fucking summer home in Antarctica damn it.

The Automatony said...

KC has been a muggy bitch too

spartachris said...

yeah iTs So hoT in CHiCgao. diNT relaize theRE wer neiGhbors here on BND, diD you guys see the trIb tOday? i made tHe news!!!

"Local man has first-ever-recorded penis waxing, against the warnings of several employees at Reflections Tanning & Waxing; first strip torn off, massive screamalarity ensues"

BigNewsDay said...

You need to hook up with Lefty. Maybe you can teach him proper firework handling techniques.

I'll have to look up the article about your waxing exploits.

Lefty Metalhead said...

GC, speaking of KC, nice win over my beloved White Sox last night.

Lefty Metalhead said...

Ken, I didn't realize you're also a Chicagoan. We'll have to meet up one day so you can give me all the advice that is humanly possible. I too would like to wax my penis!

BigNewsDay said...

Don't do it Lefty! Stick to the fireworks.

spartachris said...

id rEally have to advisE against it. i had a real thinkpiecE on noT cramming your genitals into a fax machine eaRlier this week as well, good read.

yeah thats teh sox for ya. Whole season seems lieks iTs been two wins and a loss foR each seriEs. well... aside fRom that big block of defEats.

just tried iRoninG my diCk to get out al the wrinlkles, illl hav e a full report on thAt latEr. happy birthday to me.

KEn HhHHaWak

Lefty Metalhead said...

Happy Birthday Ken!

You can also use one of those straightening irons girls use to straighten their hair. You can knead it too!

Anonymous said...

so were all from chicago, eh?
its been too hot here, but not like the heat wave we had 10 yrs ago. remember when they ran out of space in the morgues and had to use those lagrou fridge trucks?

and damn com ed!

BigNewsDay said...

You Chicagoans wouldn't last a good August day down here in Texas.

The Automatony said...

actually i dont know anything about sports, but i will pass it on around town that you gave the props.

Lefty Metalhead said...

Actually BND, I've been to Dallas and the heat there is brutal. However, Chicago's HOT days are legendary. It's probably about the same, but here in Chicago we have mad humidity due to the lake. You sweat from just breathing. Fucking awful!

Then again, Texans wouldn't survive November in Chicago, and that's not even the coldest month!

BigNewsDay said...

I guess you have a point there Lefty.