Friday, August 04, 2006

Let's enter the weekend on a positive note

My favorite motivational site


Bushwack said...

Damnit BND, I've been working in the yard for a week, and NOW you want to motivate someone!

BigNewsDay said...

Well obviously you need something BW, because you're inside goofing around on the computer again. Damn slacker!

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...


I fucking hate those pansy-assed "motivation" posters that dipshits hang up in offices in place of sound human resource policies, decent benefits and a living wage. I used to work in an office run by a guy who was a devotee of that motivational-speak and all the gurus with their books, tapes, seminars and tchotchkis. He had those fucking posters all over the place. He was such a fucking cultist that he had the word "motivation" in the name of his corporation. Not surprisingly, he is also one fo the biggest phoney assholes I've ever worked for. That was the final straw. I've never gone back to work for Corporate America since then.

So I LOVE those demotivator posters. Wish I had bought a bunch and used them to replace the foofoo shit my old boss had.

Ranando said...

"Let's enter the weekend on a positive note"

Did Bush resign?

BigNewsDay said...

Unfortunately, not that positive Ranando.

TexasFred said...

1. Ranando wins the "Positive Thought" contest...

2.. You EVER want to see MINDLESS in action, sit in on a Wal-Mart 'rah-rah' meeting... Their version of motivational speaking, held every day, several times a day, in ALL Wal-Mart facilities, from National Hdqtrs to local stores... A waste of time at best... They walk away muttering 'fuck Wal-Mart' under their breath... They haven't made their contractors start doing them in THEIR offices yet, but I'd bet it 'could' happen...

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

If you work or shop at Wal Mart, you deserve all the mental, emotional and physical abuse possible.

Wal Mart is one of the most glaring pieces of evidence that Devo was right.