Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Making Number 2

A month ago, The BigNewsDay blog made a poll about the biggest Blabberbitch. DDT (Dumb Dickheaded Twat) won. Well The Wussiest Blabberbitch Number 2 is in the making. It was BigNewsDay's idea. So far the canidates are RoachJoe, Up the Shizer, bill, and spooky1. Go to the message area to suggest some other blabberbitches that didnt make the last poll and we will see who will make the poll.


Darkness Descends said...

I forgot Kull

metallord said...

This will be funny as the 1st poll.
Don't forget !!!! BreakerMetal

Darkness Descends said...

BreakerMetal was in the last poll.

Lefty Metalhead said...

spooky1 should automatically win. then again, maybe Bori should be added as well!

Anonymous said...

up the shizer is a sure winner.
kissrules can be bitchy as well

Darkness Descends said...

i havent seen kissrule's punk ass in awhile. hell i havent even seen him on my final weeks on blabbermouth.

Darkness Descends said...

but hell i dont even read blabbermouth anymore.

Darkness Descends said...

except the articles

Anonymous said...

spooky's to obvious there'd be no competion. im begging to wonder if bori is playing the part of spooky just to wind more people up. it may sound strange but you never know!

spartachris said...

EnemyWithin? Damn, haven't seen you in what seems like years man.

Blabbermouth is a stinking pit. At a time it was very entertaining, maybe too entertaining; a poorly spelled and grammar-free sentence about a giddy, giggling Ken Hawk rocking a Port-O-Potty over, but missing the part about doing so from the OUTSIDE, earned its cheers and boos.
Lately, I just see the same names on the same pages, saying the same damn things. I don't know, it just gets old. There are some real pathetic people on that site.

Anonymous said...

been a while ken. wish you'd bring ken back your funny as hell. pity it took a lot of people to get the joke eh? but yeah i agree with ya there. same old same old with blabber.

spartachris said...

Yeah good to hear from you man. I brought Ken back to Blabbermouth once. One day someone made the comment "you can't be Ken Hawk, he was a lot funnier". I got a pretty good laugh out of that.
I still do an advice column, its linked on BND's page here. Same humor there, dicks getting trapped under garage doors, ingesting cleaning fluid to relieve constipation, etc. There's always room for that somewhere.

BigNewsDay said...

Hey Ken,
You need to do a "Best Of..." post with all of the best Ken Hawkisms.

BigNewsDay said...


You should join the family. We have several interesting things in the works.

spartachris said...

Oh man thats a brilliant idea. Ive got some recording and wedding work to finish over the long weekend, but i think Ill try and get out a sports blog as well as a Ken Hawk complete master list. Great idea Tex.

Getting back on subject, my vote goes to RoachJoe. Man I felt sorry for that guy at times, but what a bitch. =o)

Darkness Descends said...

blabbermouth is dead and gone. if your sick of blabbermouth or you want to join a forum, go here to metal pwns all.

Darkness Descends said...

were starting to really take off so things arent as slow as they were a month ago.

Anonymous said...

i hate to agree, but the blabberboards are filled with the same shit from the same people. of course, im a party to this from time to time.

and there was actually a molotov sighting a few days ago

BigNewsDay said...

And you should join as well, CJ. You should still have an invite.

Darkness Descends said...

nah metal pwns all may have some blabbermouth members but there are no assholes. its better then blabbermouth. try it. its not a blabberboard like treehouse of death or some shit.

Darkness Descends said...

sure the adress is has blabbermouth in it but this is not blabbermouth or any blabberboard. it is its own thing. FUCK BLABBERMOUTH!!!

Darkness Descends said...

brian may sucks. the new article on blabbermouth says something. as i read the comments, some faggot impersonates ken hawk.

spartachris said...

Thats actually pretty funny theres another Ken Hawk coincedentally on a thread about impersonators.
Cant say I agree with his comments there, Al Bundy is a decent man.
I saw another Ken Hawk shortly after getting banned there the first time. Some guy's going to carry it on, I have no patent on a joke, so cool, let 'im, you'll now when its me. I got better stuff to do. Big announcement next week.

spartachris said...

Damn BND you really didnt care for the fake Ken Hawk huh? You sounded like you were about to headbutt your monitor.

BigNewsDay said...

Oh, I was just trying to stir shit up. I didn't catch the irony of the imposter on the imposter thread. Good call!

Darkness Descends said...

blabbermouth sucks!

Darkness Descends said...

if i could i would change my screen name from al bundy to something else so i wouldnt have to be remembered like that on the internet.

metallord said...

up the shizer yea i forgot about that asshat.

Darkness Descends said...

yeah up the shizer joined the forum as superfag but i deleted him.

Darkness Descends said...

Up the Shizer
Evil In U
Biggus Dickus

Darkness Descends said...

i think thats a good line up