Friday, August 11, 2006

Need one more reason to think this latest "Terror Threat" is bullshit?

I can't believe these photos (hat tip to AmericaBlog and Pirate's Cove.)

If the authorities are so concerned that people are going to be mixing liquids to create an explosive, why are they having people pour out all of their liquids into large containers that will "mix" the chemicals inside?

You gotta be fucking kidding me:

From AmericaBlog:

"Check out the photo below. Yes, Ma'am, we think you might have highly explosive liquids in your possession that could kill thousands of Americans and blow up an entire airplane. So please pour the liquid out in front of these hundreds of passengers, including that small baby just three feet behind you, and into this large bucket mixed with all sorts of other unknown and possibly explosive (and reactive) liquids, including alcohol, peroxide, acids, and more. Yeah, that would be the smart way to dispose of suspected terrorist explosives.

These guys are either lying to us, or criminally negligent morons. But this is coming off as bad as the duct tape fiasco."

"Hands up, all those who smell the bullshit"


BlackLabelAxe said...

Yeah, this is something that is definitely worth considering. The whole "wag the dog" argument has a growing pile of evidence to their cause. The timely death of Al-Zarqawi, the timely foiling of a terror plot, and who knows what else they may pull out when the time is right.

It may all be a coincidence, but that waste container with all the intermixed liquids is ridiculous. The whole concept of mixing liquids after sercurity is ridiculous. Now the airlines are totally f*cked, and security is going to make it nearly impossible to travel.

The Automatony said...

man, and it's like they aren't even trying to hide that it's all a lie. it's almost as if it's a game to see how fucking blatant they can be before the the masses realize what is happening. they must be really really far into the game too, i bet the pot is huge!

BigNewsDay said...

I understand being cautious, but what is happening now is absurd. We need security that is based on common sense, and this surely is not.

The Automatony said...

That swill that they were pouring together should be the next stunt on fear factor ... make them drink a big glass of that mess...

BigNewsDay said...

How about a D.C. edition of Fear Factor. Make politicians dodge bullets and eat shit.

BigNewsDay said...

...and make them suck Ann Coulter's penis.

The Automatony said...

i wouldnt fuck ann coulter with a dick stolen off a dead hobo

AB5SY said...

Ok folks, everyone line up over here by the tolets. In the interest of National Security you all must take a poopie and wee wee before being allowed to board your flight. This has gone so far over the edge of security and obvious that the sheepies are being trained to obey on command.