Friday, August 11, 2006

One month away from one of the darkest days in American History

In exactly one month from today, we will be remembering the lives of 2,996 lives lost in one of the deadliest attacks on American soil. We all may have our own opinions of what happened on 9/11, but we can all agree that the number of lives lost is beyond tragic.

On the fifth anniversary of this disaster, The BigNewsDay Blog will join hundreds of other blogs in paying tribute to the victims of 9/11. I am calling on all the members of this site to assist in this tribute. The concept of the tribute is to dedicate our blogs to individuals who lost their lives because of the attacks on that day.

On 9/11/2006, the BigNewsDay Blog will be dedicated to the life of James Thomas Murphy who was a 35 year old New Jersey resident that perrished on that day. I urge all of you to use google or any other search engine to learn more about Mr. Murphy. I would like to have several blog entries that discuss him from different perspectives, but I would like to avoid the use of politics in the entries. I'm sure political discussions will crop up in the commens sections, but we should all refrain as much as possible for that day.

Please pay a visit to the host site for this tribute. I believe this was a wonderful idea, and I feel honored to take part in it.

2,996: A Tribute to the Victims of 9/11


The Automatony said...

Please also don't forget that they were not all just yuppie businessmen too, lots of janitors and cafeteria workers, a great diverse group of people got taken away from their kids that day. And may the killer be brought to justice for this, whomever that may be...

BigNewsDay said...

They are trying to sign up as many bloggers as victims, so on the 5th anniversary we will have a blog dedicated to each victim. I think this is a very unique and apt tribute to all of those who died.

Lefty Metalhead said...

Count me in dude, I'll have the same on my blog, so any help will be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

who ever the victims where (yuppie or anyone) they did not deserve to die. horrible situation as was the bombings on the trains and busses in london. all thanks to our wonderfull goverments. thanks tony b(lair) and mr bush. lets hope nothing like this happens again. though im sure it will in the u.k.

Bushwack said...

I have a REAL problem with anyone that blames Bush and Blair for 9-11. WTF is that about?
Bush was not in office when this plan was developed. I blame Carter,Reagan and Clinton for inaction for so long. The Bush/Blair duo just happened to be in office at the time.
If you want to blame them for shit they did after the attack, fine. You don't agree with Iraq, fine. blaming them FOR 9-11 is ridiculous and takes the blame off of where it belongs, Directly on the Muslim fanatics and fascists that are running them.

Lefty Metalhead said...

I don't think the Bush administration is worthy of blame for 9/11. I also don't think our previous administrations are to blame. The government, in general, is to blame for failing to take the threat seriously when it presented itself. Incompetence at every level of government is partly to blame. Ultimately, the guilty party are the terrorists who carried-out the attack.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't expect the Bush administration to do a better job now that 9/11 has happened. Let's admit it...these guys HATE government and that is why they have been so incompetent. It's like having an Atheist run the Catholic Church.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good idea. i have a cheesy myspace page, so i can do a blog on that day.