Thursday, August 03, 2006

Video of the Week

Ministry - LiesLiesLies

Lyrics (so you can sing along Damnit!)

Gentlemen we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the United States government
Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?(Laughter)
Does anybody else see a problem here?
If the government has nothing to hide why are they so afraid to answer a few questions?
This story does not add up

Verse 1
I’m on a mission to never forget
3,000 people that I’ve never met
We want some answers and all that we get
Some kind of shit about a terrorist threat

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise
Lies Lies

Verse 2
I’m on a mission to dig up the truth
You think we’re stupid and there’s no proof
Well let me tell you that the time has come
To pull the trigger on the smoking gun

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise
Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to me listen to your head
Don’t listen
Don’t listen to anything, they’ve said
Don’t listen
Lies Lies Lies Lies

America has been hijacked
Not by Al Qaeda, not by Bin Laden
But by a group of tyrants
That should be of great concern to all Americans

Verse 3
I’m on a mission to bring out the facts
You got your stories but they all have cracks
Misinformation, lies and deceit
What made you think that we were all asleep

Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies Lies X3
Surpise surprise
Lies Lies Lies Lies

Don’t listen to me listen to your head
Don’t listen
Don’t listen to anything, they’ve said
Don’t listen

Lies Lies Lies Lies

Outro Chorus
Don’t listen to me listen to your head
Lies Lies Lies Lies


Darkness Descends said...

You can also see this video at METAL>all at the latest video post. Vote for the greatest death metal band.

spartachris said...

aBsoluTely badass BND, need more metal video s Floating around.

greAtest Death mEtal ban d? shit. iF i reaaaaalllly had To chooSe one, it would be DEATH.


Anonymous said...

death metal is KING! but dont forget about black metal.

they just played 2 days at the house of blues here in chicago. great show.
too bad no jello and lard songs this time.

The Automatony said...

I have to disagree that Ministry is death metal. I know Al hates the term "industrial" but death metal??

Death was great.

Man I can't wait for some new Napalm Death videos, that new album is great.

BigNewsDay said...

Industrial Metal!

Darkness Descends said...

I never said i hated the term industiral. i know that ministry isnt death metal too. just had to advertise the poll.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Do you still think that jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center?(Laughter)

Nope, and I never did.

spartachris said...

metal subgenres need to end, period

The Automatony said...

not u bundy ... al jourgenson ....

Anonymous said...

i never meant for anyone to think ministry is death just saying that death metal is KING! ministry is industro-thrash, at least in my opinon!

BigNewsDay said...

I understood what you were saying CJ. Listen dude, shoot me an e-mail, and I'll add you as a member.