Monday, October 30, 2006

The sickest movie that will ever pass as "R"

Unless you really enjoy copious amounts of gore, and enjoy suffering like no human should ever have to suffer, you're better off reading a summary of this one online if you were curious enough to care about Saw III in the first place. The first two films were extraordinarily graphic, but clearly the brilliance of the plot made them instant classics. If you're thinking to yourself, "I hope it can't get any bloodier or more intense than the others", then Friday, October 27 was the worst day of your life. If you haven't puked or left the theater by the one-hour mark, you'll be rewarded by a very sinister, brutal, and ingeneous plot. I nominate this movie as the worst date movie of all time. How they got away with an "R" rating is beyond me. The world inside this movie is the closest place to hell that I would ever like to commit my imagination to. Even for a hardened metalhead like myself, I found myself searching for happy thoughts to purge the insanity out of my mind after being exposed to Saw III.


BigNewsDay said...

I will have to check this out. Thanks for warning, and welcome back brother.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Sounds like fun. I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately, where I live, we often get these things on video before or around the same time that they hit the big screen. I just saw notice that Saw II will be starting here soon.

Anonymous said...

damn dude, get out of the sticks!^^^

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

I'm not in the sticks. I'm just not in the nation. I escaped BushCo.

metallord said...

Cool i will check it out the 1st
two where great indeed.