Friday, January 19, 2007

Muslim Groups Protest a T.V. show is reporting today that Muslim groups are quite upset over the plot line of the new season of the T.V. series, '24'. For those that have never seen the show, it is about a government agency assigned to fight terrorism. I know, as well as any other American with common sense, that not all Muslims are terrorists. But the harsh reality is that most of the terrorists in the world are Muslims.

"The overwhelming impression you get is fear and hatred for Muslims," said Rabiah Ahmed, a spokeswoman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said Thursday she was distressed by this season's premiere. "After watching that show, I was afraid to go to the grocery store because I wasn't sure the person next to me would be able to differentiate between fiction and reality."

OK, my question is why are you protesting fiction, when you should be protesting reality?

If more Muslims showed outrage at the history of islamist terrorism, you would not need to worry about what people think of Muslims after viewing a fictional television show. When the majority of Muslims stay silent after terrorsit groups murder innocent people, what do you expect non-Muslims to think of you? It is the Muslim's responsibility to to project a more positive image of your culture and your people, not Hollywood's.


B.L. SABOB ADDITION: Speaking of dumb-shits who whine about their particular group's protrayal in entertainment....

... Opus Dei has had enough of the BBC portraying its members as "murderers, thieves and adulterers" in the popular fictional drama, Waking the Dead. From the entertainment section of The Evening Standard:

The secretive Catholic organisation lodged an official complaint of defamation on Tuesday after the award-winning drama, Waking the Dead showed an episode featuring a murder investigation of a Opus Dei devotee.


spartachris said...

Fuck that, they're trying to outlaw spanking it in California! That's gonna piss some dudes off!

Bushwack said...

BND, Ok man you said it in a much nicer way than I did, but the message is the same......Stand Up Moderate Muslims or get stood on.

Bushwack said...

BTW, Ken you should have your own show on cable or something fucking hilarious.

spartachris said...

Thanks man! Da Bearssss!!!!

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Cool, let em protest. It will keep them busy.

Christianist retards have been protesting the contents of various forms of entertainment since Elvis started gyrating his hips. So the Islamist retards are just doing the same shit. This is why religion is the playground of mental midgets and dictators.

Bushwack said...

Yeah sabob, but help me remember when the last Cristian protest resulted in killings,Bombings, and massive property damage across the globe....

I do agree that religion is a big [part of the problem, the answer is the same as in all things...

Moderation rather than fanaticism.

The muslims are inundated with fanatics, the Christians and all others are for the most part self-policing of their fringe.

The fanatics in the Christian religion get shouted down from within, the Muslims continue to blame everyone else for their fanatics.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

I condemn the bombings. I just laugh at the protesting of entertainment, regardless of who's doing it. As for now, no one is bombing or rioting about 24. They're just making their objections known. I hear Christians whining all the time about how they are portrayed in the media. Hell wee had to have Congressional hearings with in weeks of Janet Jackson flashing a tit for less than a second, while we didn't have hearing about 911 for years. Who the hell was responsible for that outcry of stupidity, Muslims?

For the most part, Christians have been in control of the civilized world for a few hundred years. When you rule and can control the agenda and the economy, you don't need to resort to acts of wanton violence to get your point across. So outside of Ireland, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolf and a few unnamed assholes who bomb abortion clinics and attack doctors who perform abortions, there hasn't been that much Christian violence in a couple hundred years.

But don't forget one of the reasons that Christianity was able to take over much of the western world is that our Christian forefathers slaughtered their opponents, forcibly converted others, ran numerous inquisitions and practically wiped out an entire race of people in the act of stealing North America.

By the way, you don’t have to be a bomb tosser or rioter to be a fanatic. If you hold the reigns power, you can do a lot more damage with a pen or decree than with a bomb. For the past decade or so, the Republican party and has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dominionists, Creationists, anti-abortion, anti-gay radicals, and a Senate “Leader” who thought he could diagnose a brain dead woman by video.

The Christianist fanatics are not shouted down from within. People like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Donald Wildmon, Bill Donahue and others are incredibly powerful men with the ear of the White House and Republican leadership as well as tens of millions of devoted followers.