Monday, January 08, 2007

Mystery odor blankets New York

Early information suggests this can be attributed to the collective suckage of the Giants and Jets teams.


B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Nah, its Giuliani's campaign going down the toilet and backing up into New York's sewer system.

spartachris said...

You sure? Both clubs dropped a hell of a fart yesterday.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

speaking of maximum volume suckage, how about that wildcard game between Dallas and Seattle other other night? Could those Dallas Douchebags have worked any harder at giving that game away? They sucked so hard,I'm surprised they didn't collectively implode into a universe-consuming black hole.

BigNewsDay said...

Dallas Douchebags? Hey now!!!!

The Cowboys definitely have some problems that I am certain will be addressed during the off-season, but we also have many bright spots as well.

People here in town are bitching about Romo's f**k up on that field goal attempt, but those people also need to remember that if it wasn't for Romo, we wouldn't have made it to the playoffs to begin with.

spartachris said...

Saturday night wasn't pretty, but this is by no means a 'bad team'. I think given time this kid will redeem himself. He's young, he's got potential and thats a pretty solid year he put in. For as much attention, good and bad, that this club had focusing on them from week to week, and the way they turned their season around, thats a pretty big accomplishment. In life, you can succeed without winning it all.

spartachris said...

But maybe its better off they didnt come to Chicago this week.
Da Bears!!!!

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

As an old time 1970's Miami Dolfins fan I'm predisposed to hating the Dallas Cowgirls. Add to that the 1980s braggadocio and antics of "My Shit Don't Stink" assholes like "Hollywood" Henderson. Finally, Dallas is a town where good presidents get killed and bad guys start their march to the White House (LBJ and The Bushes). I havev to take pleasure in their pain.

crallspace said...

But they say it's not hazardous. they said the same of the 9/11 dust.

BigNewsDay said...

There was an incident in Austin the same day where they had to evacuate and close a large portion of downtown because they found over 60 dead birds.