Friday, January 19, 2007


Ted Nugent is still a fucking moron

This idiot has not written or performed a new song that anyone wanted to hear in a quarter century. The only way he can get any attention at all is to continue to make a complete ass of himself in public as often as possible. He's managed to keep himself in the public eye long after his viable shelf life by turning himself into the court jester of the lunatic fringe, sheet wearing radical right.

By the way, he was never that good a guitarist, performer or song writer anyway.

More hilarity on Ted the Sped from Jesus' General


BigNewsDay said...

you mean a quarter century?

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

Ha, I was fixing that as you were responding

BigNewsDay said...


Bushwack said...

Ted's the man, He didn't do drugs when drugs were cool, he didn't go in for the satanic theme to get his stuff sold, he just played and had a great stage presence..

I understand the liberal thinking that he is a "Right wing extremist" I don't think he is that far right.....

He is an American and thinks he knows what we need here, I agree with some of his rants, but I will stay with what I always have about celebrity's political rants.

Shut the fuck up and dance, sing or act, do not use your fame to make political speeches.

We don't have a stage to promote our beliefs other than this blogsphere, and they have done no more than us in the political realm, so they have no more experience in it than us.

Weak minds believe what they hear from famous folks on the left or right. They should STFU... Just my opinion.....

spartachris said...

ted nugEnt rocks. You cAnt touVCh this, dah dah dahdah dah dah, dah dah cAsnt touch this
i loVe that song

BigNewsDay said...

He may not have done drugs, but he did dodge the draft and has had much documented relationships with underage girls. Hence the nickname "Ted the Ped".

Bushwack said...

Well BND, I didn't know that, Back when i listened to his music I was a liberal I guess, I believed a lot different than I do now....

I stand by what I said to both sides:

entertainers should STFU about ploitical views unless they are running for office.

Bushwack said...

damn it, POLITICAL.
Freakin lap top.

BigNewsDay said...


I do that shit all the time BW.

I really don't mind celebrities talking about their political views, but people just need to remember that they are celebrities and not political experts. I know I don't base my opinions on what Sean Penn or that ugly bitch Streisand says.

Darkness Descends said...

Ted Nugent is horrible. Never liked him as a person nor as a musician. If I want music with repectable musicians and respectable people, ill listen to Emperor.

B.L. Sabob: Not amused said...

This guy sucked long before anyone knew of his political views. I'm exactly the age where I was ted's target audience in the late 70s early 80s. I'm proud to say I never fell for his clown act and never gave him a dime of my money. I mean, Wang Dang Sweet PoonTang? Who the fuck couldn't tell this guy was a novelty act?

The fact that he turned out to be a pants shitting, draft dodging chickenshit yellow elephant; a rapaging pedophile hypocrite who cheats on his wives and ho's then goes on to discuss family values on The Lush Rimjob show; and believes that killing everything his sees with expensive weaponry somehow makes him manly... well that's all just icing on his Suckage Cake.

And the fact that the only way he is still in the public eye LOOOONG after being musically relevant is because he has sucked up to the Radical Right and knows how to get his name in print by making shockingly ignorant comments, is undeniable. You got to hand it to him, he has succeeded in marketing his incredibly limited talent and silly schtick very well.

Lets all get together this summer at some poduck county fair and stand in line at a book signing for yet another of Ped's Killing and Gilling cookbooks.

Yee Fucking Haw

metallord said...

Fuck Ted the Ped Loser !!!!!!!!!!!