My post below titled "Brief Thoughts of the Middle East Conflicts" made MSNBC's Blog roundup.
The funny thing is that anyone who clicks on the link can read a wonderful comment from Ken Hawk about how not to use a microphone. I laughed for about half an hour on that one.
Holy crap, Ken Hawk PWN3D MSNBC!!!
He needs to do a primetime TV show on that network. I can guarantee it'll generate better rating than they have now...
It would be a hell of a lot more entertaining than watching Tommy Lee flirt with chicks that can't sing.
Very Cool...
congraASTSulATions BND
alRIGHt on The MSNBC pagE wooooOoooo. perhaps my SOS for ass-to-spekaer tecnholoGy will brinG some brilliant minds to my alternative fuel efforts, this bEef-powereD car of mine isnt goinG to build itsel f.
You truly rule Mr. Hawk.
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