Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Very Cool!

My post below titled "Brief Thoughts of the Middle East Conflicts" made MSNBC's Blog roundup.

The funny thing is that anyone who clicks on the link can read a wonderful comment from Ken Hawk about how not to use a microphone. I laughed for about half an hour on that one.


BlackLabelAxe said...

Holy crap, Ken Hawk PWN3D MSNBC!!!

He needs to do a primetime TV show on that network. I can guarantee it'll generate better rating than they have now...

BigNewsDay said...

It would be a hell of a lot more entertaining than watching Tommy Lee flirt with chicks that can't sing.

Ranando said...

Very Cool...

spartachris said...

congraASTSulATions BND

alRIGHt on The MSNBC pagE wooooOoooo. perhaps my SOS for ass-to-spekaer tecnholoGy will brinG some brilliant minds to my alternative fuel efforts, this bEef-powereD car of mine isnt goinG to build itsel f.


BigNewsDay said...

You truly rule Mr. Hawk.